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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in the field of virology - the science of viruses, the smallest intracellular parasites, common everywhere and causing diseases of plants, animals and humans.

2. Official duties

The nature of viruses, their structure, dilution, biochemistry, genetics are studied by general virology; the study of pathogenic viruses, their infectious properties, the development of measures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases caused by them are carried out by medical, veterinary and agricultural virology. Virology, therefore, has two main directions. The first brings it closer to molecular biology and genetics, physics and chemistry of macromolecules, that is, in other words, with the knowledge of the fundamental principles of life: the phenomena of the biosynthesis of living matter and the phenomena of heredity. The second is adjacent to theoretical medicine and pharmacology and has the task of combating diseases by obtaining antiviral vaccines. The place of work of the virologist is mainly the laboratory - modern, equipped with the latest equipment, allowing the use of various biochemical, biophysical, radiobiological, and other methods. The virology of virology includes optical and electron microscopy, computer technology. Virologists also work in vivariums, at experimental stations and polygons, and they organize special virological expeditions. The virologist must combine the broad general biological knowledge and skills of the experimenter. The success of his work largely depends on accurate knowledge of the properties and characteristics of the instruments and preparations involved, on accuracy and thoroughness in preparing the experiment (often long and laborious), pedantry in its implementation. The processing of the obtained results is also not easy; their correct interpretation often requires the formulation of new specifying experiments, the attraction of additional information.

3. Qualification requirements

Biological Faculty of the University.

created: 2014-09-19
updated: 2024-11-14

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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties