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The rolling mill hot rolling mill


1. General characteristics of the profession

Conducts the process of rolling, hot metal: different grades, profiles and sections in the rolling shops of metallurgical plants or metalworking plants.

As part of the fitting and repair team prepares the mill for work for rolling metal of a certain profile. Carries out its repair and replacement of worn parts. Controls the lifting mechanisms, monitors instrument readings, the quality of finished rolled products and the order of the technological process.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

For successful activity are necessary: ​​caution; composure; determination; collectivism; physical endurance; emotional stability; observation; spatial representation; visual acuity, color difference; good hearing; the accuracy of the eye; accuracy; speed of motor reactions; hand-eye coordination; attention (volume, stability, switching, concentration); memory (figurative, semantic); thinking (visual-figurative, practical); ability to mobilize in critical situations.

3. Medical contraindications

The work is contraindicated for people with diseases: all forms of active tuberculosis; persistent hearing loss in at least one ear; pronounced dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus; neurosis; CNS diseases; stomach ulcer; chronic gastritis and enterocolitis; chronic disease of the cardiovascular system; nephritis; visual acuity without correction below 0.7 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst; violation of color perception; strabismus; chronic skin diseases; predisposition to colds.

4. Requirements for training

Should know: the basics of the theory of metal rolling and roll calibration; device and principle of operation of the rolling mill; lifting mechanisms; electric motors; instrumentation. Knowledge of electrical engineering, chemistry, physics, knowledge of various types and types of instrumentation, and technological process is required. It is important to master the related professions of locksmith, slinger, gazorezchika.

5. Related professions

Repairman, roller, metal heater
created: 2014-09-19
updated: 2024-11-13

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Professions and specialties

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