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Head of Logistics


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person who organizes the provision of an enterprise with all the material resources necessary for its production activities.

2. Official duties

Manages the development of projects for future and current plans and balances of material and technical support of the production program, maintenance and operational needs of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as the creation of the necessary production stocks based on the determination of the need for material resources (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, equipment, components, fuel, energy, etc.) using progressive consumption rates. Seek sources of coverage for this need from domestic resources. Provides preparation of the conclusion of contracts with suppliers, the coordination of conditions and terms of deliveries, studies the possibility and expediency of establishing direct long-term economic ties for the supply of material and technical resources. Organizes the study of operational marketing information and promotional materials on the offers of small wholesale shops and wholesale fairs in order to identify the possibility of acquiring material and technical resources in the manner of wholesale trade, as well as the purchase of material and technical resources sold in the order of free sale. Ensures the delivery of material resources in accordance with the terms stipulated in the contracts, control of their quantity, quality and completeness and storage in the warehouses of the enterprise. Prepares claims to suppliers in case of violation of contractual obligations by them, controls the preparation of calculations for these claims, and coordinates with the suppliers changes to the conditions of the concluded contracts. Supervises the development of enterprise standards for the material and technical support of the quality of products, economically sound standards for production (warehouse) material resources. It provides control over the state of inventories of materials and components, operational regulation of inventories in the enterprise, compliance with the limits on the release of material resources and their spending in the departments of the enterprise for its intended purpose. Manages the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of use of material resources, reduce costs associated with their transportation and storage, use of secondary resources and production waste, improve the system of control over their expenditure, use of local resources, identify and sell excess raw materials, materials, equipment and other types of material resources. Organizes the work of warehousing, takes measures to comply with the necessary storage conditions. Provides a high level of mechanization and automation of transport and warehouse operations, the use of computer systems and regulatory conditions of organization and labor protection. Organizes the accounting of the movement of material resources in the warehouses of the enterprise, takes part in the inventory of material values. Provides the preparation of established reports on the implementation of the plan for the logistics of the enterprise. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and professional experience in the field of material and technical supply


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