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Deputy General Director of a trade enterprise


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person who organizes work at an enterprise on a range of issues that are part of his / her functional duties.

2. Official duties

It ensures the saturation of the enterprise with goods in accordance with the approved assortment list and consumer demand. Organizes work on the rhythmic implementation of the plan of turnover. Develops a mandatory assortment list of goods based on the study of consumer demand, controls its compliance. Conducts an analysis of the structure of inventories, the dynamics of trade for individual groups of goods. Promptly makes a devaluation of goods that are not in demand from buyers. Participates in the preparation of orders and contracts for the supply of goods, controls their execution. Checks the correctness of the maintenance and execution of documents related to the supply and sale of goods. Ensures the validity of prices assigned for goods. It carries out daily (prior to the opening of the enterprise) control of the enterprise’s readiness for work, including the presence of goods in stock in the sale, display of goods, the correctness of the design of price tags, the condition of shop windows, of the entire room (including sanitary condition). Introduces the workers of the trading halls with the assortment of the supplied goods and with the new goods. Organizes and controls advertising campaigns in the sales area of ​​the company. Takes part in the inventory at the enterprise. Monitors compliance with the rules of trade. Considers complaints of buyers, suppliers, makes decisions on them. Informs the General Director of the existing shortcomings in the work of the enterprise, the measures taken to eliminate them. He observes himself and controls the observance by workers of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, requirements of industrial hygiene and hygiene, requirements of fire safety, civil defense. Provides for bringing to the notice of employees and the execution of orders and orders of the administration of the enterprise. Constantly studies domestic and foreign experience of trade enterprises. Regularly attends international and Russian exhibitions, fairs of consumer goods. Does not give interviews, does not hold meetings and negotiations concerning the activities of the enterprise, without the permission of the General Director of the enterprise.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher professional education and work experience of at least 2 years.


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Professions and specialties

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