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1. General characteristics of the profession

The person engaged in the selection of pesonal.

2. Official duties

In fact, it is a mediator between a person who wants to find a job and an employer. It should be noted that in many agencies part-time recruiters search for recruitment orders. The task of the recruiter is the psychological and professional selection of people from among those who want to find a job, in some cases, finding the people needed by the customer, and also, importantly, finding a common language with the employer. A recruiter must be sociable, stress-resistant, erudite person. Ideally, the recruiter should be guided in a huge number of professional areas, it is enough that he had a great experience (preferably leading) in at least one. It is clear that no one will pick up the staff, for example, a bank, better than a person who has worked for a long time as a bank director. The question is that not every professional in his field will agree to be a recruiter. The specialty (position) of a recruiter is considered by many people as a transitional stage for taking the post of HR manager (HR manager) directly in the enterprise. This is, indeed, a very real career option.

3. Qualification requirements

It is considered that the recruiter should have a psychological education. But this is not always justified: psychology as a science is indirectly related to the functions that the recruiter is endowed with. Education can be any, but necessarily - systematic and deep. As a rule, recruitment is learned in practice in recruitment agencies.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties