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1. General characteristics of the profession
Accepts, sends and sorts documents, letters and other business papers by importance. Keeps their records and control in special journals. Prepares materials for the head. There are two options for organizing the work of the clerk:

a) in a small institution, the clerk performs functional duties alone;

b) in a large institution - processes documentation on a limited range of issues and, if necessary, interacts with other clerks.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist
The clerk needs an ability for long-term concentration, good long-term and operational memory, emotional stability, high noise immunity, as well as tolerance for numerous contacts, business communication skills, and a constructive perception of criticism.

3. Medical contraindications
The activity is not recommended for people suffering from the following diseases: respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, etc.); cardiovascular system (heart disease, hypertension, etc.); nervous system (neurosis, meningitis, tumors, etc.).

4. Related professions
Dispatcher on the phone, assistant, secretary-typist, help desk employee


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties