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LOGISTICS MANAGER - (Logistics Manager / Operations Manager)



  • Planning of procurement volumes, costs and terms of procurement, implementation and monitoring of the procurement process
  • Development of optimal schemes for the delivery of goods (raw materials, materials, equipment), delivery terms and prices, control over the delivery process, resolving issues with suppliers, transporters and recipients
  • Coordination of customs clearance work
  • Insurance of products (equipment, goods, raw materials, materials, transport)
  • Product certification and registration
  • Development of optimal schemes and organization of warehousing of goods, control over the work of warehouses, storage conditions, shelf life and release of goods
  • Work with the Sales Department and the regional offices of the company to plan the necessary volumes and terms of delivery to Customers (Buyers and Regional offices), control over the implementation of the necessary volumes, terms and conditions of delivery
  • Development, maintenance and control of the company's logistics budget


  • Higher technical or economic education
  • Knowledge of the features and specifics of the work of transport, customs, warehouses
  • The ability to carry out strategic planning effective movement of goods
  • Logical thinking
  • Analytic skills


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