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Master of repair and maintenance of machine-tractor park


1. General characteristics of the profession

The worker of a wide profile who is carrying out service and repair of combines, tractors, agricultural machines for their maintenance in working order.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Adequate health, physical strength and endurance, high acuity of hearing and vision, high speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions, developed eye (linear, planar, volumetric), the ability to distribute and quickly switch attention, good visual memory, a tendency to work with technology are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

The work is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system with impaired motor functions, endocrine diseases (diabetes), skin allergies and hand eczema, visual defects, chronic infectious diseases that are bacteria carriers

4. Requirements for training

Should know: the device and operation of means of maintenance of machine and tractor park; adjustment and adjustment of assembly systems and mechanisms. Algorithms for troubleshooting. Basics plumbing. Rules and regulations on occupational safety, fire prevention measures.

5. Related professions

Repairman; tractor driver; motor vehicle driver; the controller of the technical condition of vehicles.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties