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Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person who manages the logistics, product sales and transport services company.

2. Official duties

Ensures the participation of teams of subordinate services in the development of promising and current plans for the production and sale of products, material and technical supply, work of internal transportation, financial plans of the enterprise, as well as in the development of standards for material and technical support of product quality, storage and transportation of raw materials, marketing finished products. Takes measures to expand the economic independence of the enterprise, timely conclude contracts with suppliers and consumers, expand direct and long-term economic ties, ensure fulfillment of tasks and commitments on product supply. Supervises the implementation of the plan for the sale of products, logistics of the company, a plan for profits and other financial indicators, the proper expenditure of working capital and the targeted use of a bank loan, the cessation of production, which has no marketing. Develops measures for resource saving and integrated use of material resources, improving the rationing of consumption of raw materials, working capital and inventories, increasing the profitability of production, strengthening financial discipline and business accounting, preventing education and eliminating surplus stocks of goods and materials resources. Organizes the work of warehousing, ensuring the quantitative and qualitative preservation of material resources and finished products. It ensures the full use of intra-factory transport, the rational organization of loading and unloading operations, the development of measures for the maximum equipment of this service with the necessary mechanisms and devices. Organizes work on the use and sale of secondary resources and by-products. Provides for the preparation of established reports on the implementation of plans for logistics, marketing of finished products and the work of internal transport.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher economic or engineering and economic education and experience in economic management positions at least five years.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties