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The Machinist of a diesel locomotive


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person responsible for the maintenance of the locomotive during its operation and service repairs.

2. Official duties

Prepares a diesel locomotive for a trip, serves it while traveling, at parking lots, oversees the operation of a diesel locomotive, makes the necessary service repairs; prepares a diesel locomotive for delivery to the depot, determines the rational mode of the train. Must know: the purpose of the locomotive, its device, the main types of faults and damage, the rules of preparation of the locomotive for a trip, the rules of acceptance, maintenance, procedure for inspection and delivery, classification of types of inspection and repair of a diesel locomotive and their characteristics, types and scope of repair, safety regulations . Professionally important qualities: endurance, concentration, good vision and hearing, color difference, sense of time and distance, resistance to monotony and falling asleep, the ability to quickly assess the situation and make the right decision. Medical contraindications: impaired visual acuity and hearing, cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with loss of consciousness.

3. Qualification requirements

Vocational school, vocational school.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties