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Knitter knitter


1. General characteristics of the profession

Performs products using a knitting machine. Controls its technical condition and quality of yarn. During operation, adjusts the tension and density of the mating. Responsible for the quality and completes the product. Knitters of high qualification can together with the artist-designer to develop patterns of knitted weaves, to make models according to sketches.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

The activity requires a high speed of motor reactions, good visual-motor coordination (at the level of the movements of the fingers), the ability to distribute attention and concentrate it for a long time under monotony.

3. Medical contraindications

The work is not recommended for people suffering from diseases: digestive organs (chronic gastritis, diabetes, etc.); kidney and urinary tract (nephritis, etc.); musculoskeletal system (chronic rheumatism, polyarthritis, etc.); nervous system (tumors of the central nervous system, meningitis, etc.); organs of sight and hearing (cataract, strabismus, etc.).

4. Requirements for training

Knitter knitter should know: yarn varieties and their properties; classes and device knitting machines; types (numbers) of needles and their influence on the quality of products; models and assortment of products and canvases; types of defects and their causes.

She should be able to regulate the work of the knitting machine mechanisms, the density and tension of the knitting, eliminate thread breaks, prevent and eliminate defects in the product.

5. Related professions

The embroiderer by hand, the embroiderer on embroidery machines and semiautomatic machines, the embroiderer by car, the lacemaker, the master of national craft (art painting, miniature), the operator of micro-welding, the operator of the filling machine, the collector of semiconductor devices, the weaver, the seamstress-motorist.

created: 2014-09-19
updated: 2024-11-13

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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties