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Head of Technical Department


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person organizing the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activity of the enterprise.

2. Official duties

Provides improvement of the quality of products, works (services) and increase of its competitiveness, reduction of material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, the production of works (services). Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise in testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, integrated automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, new technology and advanced technology. Manages the current and future planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base. Supervises the preparation of technical specifications for the design of newly built plants, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing, the introduction of automation and mechanization. Examines and coordinates design documentation for equipment modernization and workplace rationalization. Supervises the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new equipment, as well as the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technology, new types of raw materials and finished products. Participates in the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies in production, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage and the production of low-grade varieties, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production capacity. In the absence of independent design and technology departments, it performs the functions of their managers. Directs the activities of units involved in the standardization of products, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and invention work. Supervises the department’s employees, coordinates and directs the activities of the enterprise departments providing technical preparation of production.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher vocational (technical) education and work experience on technical preparation of production at engineering and managerial positions.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties