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Land Surveyor


1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in the organization of effective land use.

2. Official duties

The organization of effective land use, their protection, control over compliance with land legislation. Makes explications, makes surveys, and greats, etc., draws up projects of inter-farm and inter-farm land management with an economic justification, maintains land records, conducts land management activities, and ensures safe work. Must know: the main directions of development of land use issues and land management, land use guidance materials, technology of land management, installation of geodetic and aerial photographic tools and instruments, methods of land development and improvement, systems of erosion control measures, nature conservation legislation. Professionally important qualities: attentiveness, accuracy, good vision. Medical contraindications: violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, poor eyesight, cardiovascular diseases, late stage of hypertension.

3. Qualification requirements

Secondary special educational institutions.


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