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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist for work at exhibitions and in shopping centers at the stands with advertising information about a particular company.

2. Official duties

The stand assistant must act independently, not get lost in unexpected circumstances, but use them for the benefit of the cause, ready to make original constructive decisions in unusual situations. There are no clear criteria defining the duties of such a specialist. Some organizers of exhibitions as a stand attendant imagine a pretty young girl who adorns the exhibition with her presence, gives visitors free advertising souvenirs, and no one expects anything more from her. Meanwhile, the stand attendant may be almost the first person at the exhibition. In this profession there are no restrictions either by gender or by age. The main thing is the ability to find a way out of any situation. To attract the attention of visitors to the advertised products, the stand attendant should always be ready for improvisation, for making a non-standard decision. From the mass of contacts arising at the exhibition, it is necessary to manage to isolate the most promising in terms of entering into contracts that are beneficial for the company. The stand attendant should be able to present the goods advertised by him at the exhibition so that the visitor can appreciate his qualities and want to buy them. Such tasks, according to the observations of specialists, are most successfully handled by people with life experience, those who are already over thirty. There is practically no upper age limit.

3. Qualification requirements

Special education is not required, although the advantage will be the presence of a psychological or commercial education.

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

Rating 9 of 10. count vote: 2
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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties