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Labor Engineer


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person who develops activities for the organization of labor of all categories of employees in order to further increase productivity and quality of labor, production efficiency.

2. Official duties

Participates in drafting programs and plans for the organization of labor of the enterprise, performs the necessary calculations of the economic efficiency of planned activities, and also develops tasks for the implementation of the organization of labor for business units, controls the implementation of activities. Examines directly in the workplace the existing organizational and technical conditions of production, labor processes, methods and methods of work, prepares the necessary materials for the development of measures to improve the organization of workplaces and their certification in order to improve working conditions and reduce hard, labor-intensive and manual work, and measures aimed at increasing labor productivity and reducing the labor intensity of products. Conducts work on the integrated improvement of the organization of labor and improving its efficiency through the use of methodological and regulatory materials, taking into account specific production conditions. Analyzes the effectiveness of the measures provided for in the plans and the results of their implementation. Monitors compliance with the requirements of the organization of labor in the development of proposals (projects) for the expansion and reconstruction of production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, automation and mechanization of production processes, as well as the application of methodological and regulatory materials developed in a centralized manner to improve labor management. Analyzes the existing organizational and technical conditions of production, develops together with other services and introduces rational modes of operation and rational forms of work organization, providing for the reduction of the use of low-skilled and hard physical labor, monitors their implementation. Conducts research on the main directions of improving the organization of labor and prepares proposals for improving the division and cooperation of labor, for specialization and improvement of workplace services, their planning and equipment, for creating favorable working conditions, developing collective forms of organizing and stimulating work, certifying and rationalizing workplaces , the expansion of the combination of professions and positions, multi-station (multi-unit) service and the spread of other advanced labor methods, nyaet work related to the implementation of the proposals developed. Participates in the identification of reserves to increase productivity by improving its organization. Develops for workshops and other departments of the enterprise tasks (plans) for the implementation of the organization of work and monitors their implementation. On the basis of industry-wide and industry-wide recommendations, it develops methodological and regulatory materials on the organization of labor, taking into account the specific conditions of production. It studies and summarizes advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of labor organization, develops proposals for its use and implementation. Participates in the study of advanced labor practices and the dissemination of progressive experience in the field of labor organization, in the work of organizing exhibitions, seminars, schools of excellence, review contests. Provides methodological and practical assistance to structural units of the enterprise in the development and implementation of programs and plans to improve the organization of labor. Keeps records of implemented activities.

3. Qualification requirements

Engineer for the organization of labor I category: higher professional (engineering-economic or technical) education and work experience as an Engineer for the organization of labor II category for at least 3 years. Engineer for the organization of labor II category: higher professional (engineering-economic or technical) education and work experience as an engineer for labor management or other engineering and technical positions, replaced by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years. Engineer of labor organization: higher professional (engineering-economic or technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience as a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions replaced by specialists with secondary vocational education, no less 5 years.


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