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R & D MANAGER - (research and development)


1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in research and development programs aimed at maintaining the company's competitiveness and profitability of its activities.

2. Official duties

Manages, makes recommendations and manages research and development programs to develop the company and improve existing products. Considers and evaluates the results and conclusions of laboratory research and pilot production projects; controls the costs of research within the approved limits. Coordinates work on research and development on the project in other departments of the company. Conducts verification of pilot batches of new or improved products, reviews consumer complaints about existing products. Defines, develops, installs, controls and coordinates projects in the department. Prepares reports on the progress of research and development work, and also gives recommendations on the addition, expansion or termination of projects. Communicates with leading consumers on the applicability of new products and may engage in patenting to protect new developments. Consults with technical and sales staff in implementation issues, especially for new or improved products. Controls the internal mailing of laboratory samples by organization units and other interested organizations and individuals. Performs typical managerial duties that are required for planning, evaluating, organizing, summarizing and monitoring. Develops, directs and provides support in the design of short-term and long-term research programs.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher economic or technical education.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties