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Deputy Director for Economic Affairs


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person managing and coordinating the activities of all departments of the enterprise for the development of long-term and current plans, as well as measures to improve the economic mechanism, the economic work of identifying and using intra-economic reserves.

2. Official duties

It helps to increase the scientific validity of plans, the establishment of planned indicators based on progressive technical and economic standards of material and labor costs, taking into account the achievements of science and technology, the organization of production and labor. Work to improve the planning of economic and financial performance of the enterprise, to create and improve standards of labor costs, the consumption of inventory and the use of production capacity. Organization of the development of methodological materials on shop-floor technical and economic planning, the calculation of the economic efficiency of rationalization proposals and inventions, measures for the introduction of new equipment and technology, the scientific organization of labor. Methodical guidance and organization of work on the implementation, improvement and expansion of the scope of internal accounting. Ensuring strict compliance with the economy of material, labor and financial resources in all sectors of the enterprise’s business. Participation in the work on improving the organization of production, preparation of proposals aimed at increasing labor productivity and production efficiency, strengthening the economic independence and economic responsibility of the enterprise. Organization of the development of rational planning and accounting documentation used at the enterprise, as well as the introduction of mechanization tools in the field of planning, accounting and analysis of economic activity. Ensuring control over the implementation of planned tasks, compliance with planning and financial discipline, business accounting, organizing a comprehensive economic analysis and evaluating the results of production and business activities of the enterprise and its divisions, developing measures for the use of internal reserves, conducting certification and rationalization of workplaces. Organization of research on the issues of enterprise economics, conclusion of agreements on creative cooperation with research institutes and higher educational institutions. Organization of the development of methods for the economic evaluation of measures aimed at the development of technology, improvement of the organization of production, as well as proposals for the practical use of the results of scientific research in the field of economics. Assistance to the development of public economic work in the enterprise, rendering methodological assistance to creative public associations of workers. The organization of economic calculations and analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology, the organization of production, labor and management, rationalization proposals and inventions. Management of a comparative analysis of the performance of the enterprise and other enterprises of the industry, the introduction of best practices in the field of economic work. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to improve the economic performance of the enterprise, the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of economic work. Organization of the development of established reporting on all technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, monitoring the timeliness of reporting on the result of economic activity in the prescribed manner and time for consideration by the council of the workforce, as well as to the relevant authorities. Management of structural units performing economic work.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher economic or engineering and economic education and experience in economic management positions at least five years.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties