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Expedition manager


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person managing the work of the expedition.

2. Official duties

Organizes the work of receiving, processing, shipment to the destination of incoming goods, documents and correspondence, ensuring their safety and timely delivery to the addressees. Draws up instructions for cargo escort and documents passing through the expedition. Participates in checking the safety of the packaging (packaging) and the availability of investments in accordance with the accompanying documents, in necessary cases - in the preparation of acts on the detected shortage or damage. Takes measures to provide expedition workers with the means of mechanization of labor, equipment, special equipment, ensures their proper operation and technically sound condition. It monitors the availability of the necessary types of transport, the organization of proper transportation, loading and unloading operations, placement and stowage of cargo, documents and correspondence, and the correct execution of acceptance documentation. Organizes the work of keeping records, drawing up established reports, preparing certificates of compliance with the delivery terms. Provides the necessary storage mode and safety of goods, documents and correspondence during their transportation.

3. Qualification requirements

Secondary vocational education without making requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and work experience in a forwarding position for at least 3 years.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties