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Head of Medical Warehouse


It would be wrong to understand the employee of a medical warehouse simply as a storekeeper. (Not every storekeeper can boast a knowledge of Latin terminology!) In fact, the head of a medical warehouse is a medical worker. For such specialists, you must have a higher or secondary pharmaceutical education. In Russia, a similar education is provided by pharmaceutical faculties of medical universities, pharmaceutical institutes and pharmaceutical schools. In Moscow, this is, respectively, the pharmaceutical faculty of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov (formerly First Medical) and Pharmaceutical School №10.

The employee of the medical warehouse must have a certificate for the right to engage in pharmaceutical activities. If a pharmaceutical education is received more than five years ago, he must take refresher courses. In addition, he must have a personal medical booklet (workers of food warehouses must also have a similar document).

The duties of the head of a medical warehouse include regular stock accounting. This means receiving, vacation, accounting, storage of medicines and components for their manufacture, inventory, maintenance of warehouse and primary accounting documentation. In addition, the supervisor of the warehouse is charged with monitoring compliance with the sanitary regime and storage conditions of medicines, and maintaining documentation of the pharmaceutical order.

In warehouses at pharmacies and medical establishments, pharmacy analysts and technologists technicians are subordinate to the warehouse manager. Their duties include the manufacture and quality control of dosage forms, however, the responsibility for their work is the pharmacist or the head of the pharmacy warehouse. Experienced specialists in this field are engaged in obtaining certificates for medical products, obtaining licenses for pharmaceutical activities of enterprises, and obtaining permits for importation of medical products into the string.

In the current situation, the pharmacist (pharmacist) should have knowledge in the field of marketing, know the market conditions of medical devices, have the skills to draw up contracts and agreements.

Salaries of pharmacists and managers of medical (pharmacy) warehouses vary greatly depending on the enterprises that employ such specialists. In the municipal pharmacies of Moscow, they amount to 3-4 thousand rubles. In fairly large pharmaceutical companies - 10-12 thousand rubles.


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