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1. General characteristics of the profession

Performs technical functions and orders of the head, applies rational methods of working with visitors and documents, conducts telephone conversations, participates in the preparation of meetings and meetings. Able to work on a computer and handle office equipment. Work may be irregular, travel is possible.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Normal hearing, good visual-shaped memory, a tendency to work with people and documents, moderate sociability, organization, goodwill, concentration of attention, emotional-volitional stability, pleasant appearance are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

Activity is contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of internal organs (liver, thyroid gland, etc.), nervous system disorders, manifested in irritability, mental illnesses with speech defects and obvious physical defects.

4. Requirements for training

The secretary-referent needs good knowledge in the field of Russian language, literature, knowledge of computer science, psychology of communication, aesthetics, preferably knowledge of a foreign language. Secretary-referent should be able to: use a computer, typewriter, office equipment and other equipment; independently (on behalf of the head) prepare draft orders, responses to letters and requests; keep a card file of addresses of organizations and persons with whom correspondence or negotiations are conducted; prepare essays on the assigned questions; keep minutes of meetings.

5. Related professions

Hotel administrator, clerk, order receptionist.

See also

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-06-18

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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties