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Head of Capital Construction


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person managing the direct execution of works on capital construction and reconstruction of production facilities.

2. Official duties

Organizes the development of long-term, medium-term and current plans for capital construction, the compilation of title lists for all capital construction projects, applications for building materials and equipment. Provides a targeted and rational use of funds for capital investments and increasing their efficiency, carrying out the priority allocation of funds for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of unfinished construction. Takes part in concluding contracts with project organizations and with general contractors. Supervises the fulfillment by the project and construction organizations of contractual obligations, where necessary presents the sanctions provided for by the contracts. Provides registration of banking operations under the concluded agreements with contractors and submission to the banking institutions in a timely manner of documentation for the construction of facilities performed by contracting or business means. Organizes the implementation of capital construction plans, the timeliness of issuing design and estimate and technical documentation for construction work, and also provides technical supervision over the time and quality of work, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, construction standards, standards, and equipment standards safety, industrial hygiene, the requirements of rational organization of labor. Supervises the timely commissioning of facilities. Coordinates with the bodies carrying out technical supervision, issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites. Supervises the expenditure of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with the rules of storage and the quality of conservation of non-installed equipment. Supervises work to improve the organization of labor in construction, reduce costs and improve the quality of construction work, reduce their time, improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work. Promotes the introduction of rationalization proposals that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, accelerating the return on capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work). Organizes work on accounting and reporting of capital construction. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher vocational (technical) education and professional experience in engineering and management positions in construction.


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