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1. General characteristics of the profession

A specialist in text editing.

2. Official duties

Performs proofreading of edited manuscripts and reading proofs in order to ensure graphic and lexical uniformity of various elements of the text, eliminate spelling and punctuation errors, adhere to the technical rules of typing, and correct the shortcomings of the semantic and stylistic nature. When reading manuscripts, they are checked for their completeness (presence of a title page, introduction, illustrations, reference apparatus, etc.), the ordinal numbering of sections in the table of contents (content), compares their names with headings in the text, ensures correctness of writing and unification of terms, symbols, units of measurement, conditional abbreviations, uniformity of symbols in illustrations and text. Eliminates the vagueness in writing individual letters and signs, the incorrect breakdown of the text into paragraphs, agrees with the editors noticed stylistic errors. Checks the correctness of the tables, footnotes, formulas, reference edition of the publication, the completeness of the bibliographic description and the availability of relevant references to sources of citations and digital data in the text. Gives instructions to the typesetter on a set of hyphens, dashes, multi-digit numbers, etc. It complements the editorial passport, noting in it all the features of the manuscript reading. When reading proofs, it checks the correspondence of the typed text to the original. Corrects spelling, punctuation and technical errors made when typing or reprinting manuscripts. Checks the correctness of typing, headings, notes and other allocated parts of the publication in accordance with the general rules of printing production and instructions of the technical editor. Signs of manuscripts in the set, publication in print and in the publication. The proofreader of the XXI century, as at the dawn of typography - in the XV century, is armed only with its own knowledge, linguistic flair, attention, and professional skills.

3. Qualification requirements

Koretkure, like any profession, should be taught not in the artisanal way, but in educational institutions of the state level. Proofreader should have a higher philological education

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

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