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Head of Personnel Training


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person providing a continuous increase in the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of employees of the enterprise.

2. Official duties

Provides continuous improvement of professional knowledge, skills and skills of employees in accordance with the goals and strategy of the company, personnel policy, directions and level of development of technology, technology and management organization, development of new types of products, works (services), available resources and interests of employees for achieving and maintaining high labor efficiency in the production of competitive products. Ensures the creation and effective functioning of the system of continuous training for all categories of employees of the enterprise. Takes part in the development of the strategy of development of the personnel of the enterprise, professional development programs. Based on the analysis of the overall needs of the company in personnel of a certain level and profile of training, applications of structural units, taking into account the results of certification and individual development plans for workers, plans their training, retraining and advanced training, determines the directions, forms, methods and terms of training. It ensures the conclusion of contracts with vocational education institutions, advanced training courses, enterprises, including foreign ones, for training and internship of personnel, determination of expenses for training, organizes sending of workers for study in accordance with the concluded agreements, draws up the necessary documents sent for training abroad. Provides organizational and methodological guidance, equipment and development of the material base of vocational education institutions and advanced training courses included in the enterprise structure, the introduction of automated teaching aids and various types of automated training complexes for new equipment and new technological processes into the educational process. He organizes the selection of cadres of teachers, industrial training masters, youth mentors and instructors from among specialists and highly skilled workers, in accordance with the curriculum, establishes a training mode for all types of vocational training of personnel. Supervises work on the vocational guidance of young people and the organization of professional selection, the use of scientific methods of selecting a contingent for training in mass professions and specialties, communicates with career guidance services. It ensures the functioning of the system of adaptation of young specialists and workers in the workplace, including the preparation of special publications and other information about the company, the holding of "open days", recruitment ceremonies, the implementation of practical training programs, the development of mentoring. Organizes practical training for students and pupils. Provides the conclusion of labor agreements with teachers and instructors of industrial training, drawing up documents for remuneration for training and management of production practice. It provides control over the systematic and quality of classes, student performance, the observance of terms of training, the implementation of curricula and programs, the correctness of the established documentation. Develops measures to improve the professional and pedagogical skills of mentors, teachers and trainers. Organizes work on the analysis of quality learning outcomes and its effectiveness, the development of proposals for improving the forms and methods of training and advanced training, measures to eliminate the existing shortcomings, taking into account the wishes of the company's employees undergoing training. Controls the observance of social guarantees of workers during the period of training (preservation of length of service, the provision of shorter working hours, paid vacations, etc.), the creation of the necessary conditions for on-the-job training. Ensures the proper expenditure of funds for training in accordance with the approved estimates and financial plans of the enterprise, as well as the preparation of established reports on the training and advanced training of personnel. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher vocational education and work experience in training personnel for engineering, technical and managerial positions.

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

Rating 9 of 10. count vote: 2
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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties