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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist to promote any comrade or services.

2. Official duties

His responsibilities include working with pedestrians and visitors to the shops and offering them a certain product. The best option for a promoter is to work at an exhibition or presentation. The promoter can work both from the agency and directly from the company. Labor promoter, as a rule, is paid upon completion of the advertising company at the rate of a fixed amount for each day. The work of the promoter, despite the apparent simplicity, is quite complicated. In addition to the understandable difficulty of communicating with strangers, there is constant monitoring from both the agency representative and the customer representative. Further, at the time of the promotion, despite the changes in the weather, promoters must wear a certain uniform. The main contingent of promoters are college-age girls who have a pleasant appearance and are able to talk to strangers with a friendly air. It happens that people earn creative work in this way. Most promoters consider their work as a temporary extra.

3. Qualification requirements

Special education is not required.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties