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Manufacturer of artistic woodwork


1. General characteristics of the profession

Most often, a woodcarver works behind a workbench. Works standing or sitting. For fixing large products during their processing can be used various devices. The carving is done mainly with different chisels. Much in the work of the carver depends on the selection of material, since the tree is very diverse in its properties. Before starting work, the carver performs a sketch, having previously embodied it in clay or plasticine, sketches on paper.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

The work of the cutter requires high precision of movements, precise distinction of the spatial arrangement of the elements of the thread, direction, width and length of the lines; determination of proportions and pattern of parts performed; high level of spatial representations; developed figurative thinking; esthetic taste; the ability to distribute attention and concentrate it in terms of interference; creativity, originality of thinking.

3. Medical contraindications

The work is not recommended for people who have: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (limiting the mobility of the arms and hands); allergic to chemicals, wood dust; respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, etc.); cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart defects, heart failure, etc.); nervous system (neurosis, tumor, etc.); organs of vision.

4. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Must know: the basics of drawing, composition, techniques and methods of performing design work in various techniques; properties of the materials used; technology of finishing work.

5. Related professions

Stained glass painter, designer, artist of design works, sculptor of a sculptural production manufacturer of art products.


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