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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in organizing relations with the media and the purchase of advertising space.

2. Official duties

The responsibility of the media buyer includes working with the media. He is engaged in the purchase of advertising space in newspapers or airtime on radio and TV. As a rule, several media buyers submit to a media glider (in an advertising or PR agency) or the head of the advertising department (in a large company). As a rule, a media buyer has a narrower specialization than a media glider. He leads either some kind of media (radio, TV, print), or some specific advertising order for goods and services. The main task of the media buyers is to get the minimal prices from the media for advertising. The more experienced a media buyer is, the more effective the advertising policy of a company is, the lower its unit costs for advertising. In principle, anyone with minimal life experience and connections in the media can work as a media buyer. Such links do not necessarily have to be at the level of a managerial level, sometimes there are enough of such in the medium of freelance correspondents of some publications.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher philological education, specialization "Public Relations


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties