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Technological equipment installer


1. General characteristics of the profession

Makes installation of pipelines water - and gas supply. Pre-conducts mechanized assembly and automatic welding of parts of the pipeline in the shop. Then these parts are transported by special machines to the place of installation, where they are assembled in a whip up to one and a half kilometers. After welding, cleaning and insulation, the whip is lowered to the bottom of the trench.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

It is necessary to be physically resilient, to show technical sharpness, to have good coordination of movements, high sensitivity of the hands, accurate eye, good hearing, ability to concentrate and distribute attention. He must be disciplined, collected, careful.

3. Medical contraindications

Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, severe diseases of the central nervous system, chronic skin diseases. Persistent decreases in hearing, vision, diseases of internal organs, hernia.

4. Requirements for training

Should know: the properties of the soil and a variety of materials used in pipeline construction; device and principle of operation of machines and mechanisms.

Must be able to: read the drawings; use measuring devices; to make loading, unloading, metalwork, welding and installation works.

5. Related professions

Locksmith, machine, welding, commissioning specialty.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties