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Head of Social Development


1. General characteristics of the profession

The person who manages the sociological work in the enterprise.

2. Official duties

Manages sociological work at the enterprise, aimed at the formation of stable labor collectives, the development of organizational culture, the use of socio-psychological factors of labor motivation of workers, increasing their social and creative activity, job satisfaction in order to maximize the development and use of the labor potential of each employee. Provides development and implementation of targeted programs and plans for social development based on social forecasts and modeling of social processes, in accordance with the goals, strategy and personnel policy of an enterprise in a market economy, taking into account external and internal factors of development. Conducts work to stabilize labor collectives, improve the social structure of personnel, its demographic and professional qualifications, organizes the preparation of proposals for regulating the number of employees, increasing their general educational and cultural-technical level, strengthening discipline and organization, creating and maintaining a favorable social and psychological climate. in a team, optimal interpersonal and intergroup relations, on the adaptation of newly hired employees. organizes the study of the conditions and content of labor and their impact on job satisfaction, especially among young people, the development of measures to improve ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, ensure occupational health and safety of workers, provide social and psychological support for the introduction of new types of sophisticated equipment, reduce heavy and low-skilled manual labor, increasing the attractiveness, prestige and work culture. Participates in the examination of projects for construction and reconstruction of industrial and non-industrial objects in order to ensure that social requirements and standards are taken into account in them. Supervises work on improving the system of material, socio-cultural and moral-psychological incentives to increase the labor and social activity of employees, creative attitude to work, group and individual responsibility for the results of joint activities. Supervises the provision of social insurance of employees, the observance of their social guarantees and civil rights, heads the development of proposals for measures of social protection of employees within the framework of the collective-contractual regulation of labor relations. It ensures the development and implementation of measures to preserve health and increase the content of leisure time of workers, increase the living standards of workers and their families, meet housing and home needs, various services, and social protection of certain categories of workers (retirees, youth, women). Organizes counseling for workers on legal and financial issues, problems of women's labor, the development of proposals for the presentation of various social benefits to employees of the enterprise; compensation of expenses for housing, education of children, provision of transport for commuting, medical care. Ensures the widespread introduction of mechanization and computer technology into the activities of sociological services, strengthening their information base. He organizes lectures and seminars on the study of social and psychological methods of social process management by employees of the enterprise, rendering methodological assistance to departments in developing activities for the social development of labor collectives, coordinating their activities in identifying and using social reserves of production and implementing targeted integrated social programs. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher professional education and work experience in management and other positions in personnel management for at least 5 years).

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

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