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Psychology and pedagogy

All lectures: All lectures on the discipline: psychology and pedagogy are collected here. These fascinating lectures provide us with the opportunity to explore the deep principles and phenomena underlying our knowledge and our desire to understand the world.

Androgogic  (19)

Military psychology and pedagogy  (11)

Age physiology and hygiene  (0)

Interrogation: Questions as Tools for Thinking and Problem Solving  (9)

Individual and family counseling  (14)


Information technology in research  (5)

History of psychology  (77)

Quantum biology  (2)

Kinesika  (14)

Cognitive psychology  (14)

Correctional pedagogy and speech therapy  (48)

crisis psychology  (57)

Criminal psychology  (90)

Linguodidactics  (46)

Logic of thinking  (21)

Mathematical Methods in Psychology  (22)

Interpersonal relationships  (27)

Idea Creation Methods  (12)

Creative methods  (22)

Body language  (266)

Neuropsychological rehabilitation  (1)

Neuropsychology  (49)

Neuropharmacology  (9)

General psychology  (104)

Organizational psychology  (14)

Organizational behavior  (26)

The basics of psychotherapy  (38)

Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis  (6)

Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)  (36)

Pedagogy and didactics  (149)

Pedagogical psychology  (28)

Applied Psycholinguistics  (6)

Applied psychology  (28)

Professions and specialties  (315)

Psychiatry  (66)

Psychodiagnostics in personnel management  (16)

Psycholinguistics  (116)

Psychological safety  (39)

Psychological counseling  (44)

Psychology of influence, power and leadership  (14)

Group psychology  (12)

The psychology of the vitality of personality  (2)

Psychology of lies  (50)

The Psychology of Mass Communications  (2)

Psychology of communication  (63)

Psychology of errors and illusions  (28)

Psychology of experience  (12)

Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology  (76)

Family Psychology  (67)

Psychology of creativity and genius  (63)

The psychology of corporeality  (12)

Psychology of management  (32)

Psychology of emotions  (39)

Psychophysiology  (50)

The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction  (33)

Social Psychology  (39)

Comparative Psychology and Zoopsychology  (39)

Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work  (72)

Stupidity theory  (6)

Fundamentals of job search, employment  (30)

Communication theory  (76)

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving  (10)

Human physiology, hygiene and age physiology  (36)

Economic psychology  (39)

Experimental psychology  (13)

Ethnopsychology  (50)

Legal psychology  (15)