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1. General characteristics of the profession

It can work in various areas of production, as any mechanisms and machines require repair or adjustment from time to time. Before the start of the repair, the mechanic-repairman gets acquainted with the drawings of the machine and its technical characteristics, which are indicated in its passport. Detects faults and fixes them. The repairman should not only adjust and test the repaired equipment, but also fully prepare it for work.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Repairman should have physical strength and endurance, fine muscular and auditory sensitivity, and have good eyesight. He needs mobility, coordination and accuracy of movements of the hands and fingers, accurate eye (linear and volumetric), developed spatial imagination, good figurative and motor memory, technical acumen.

3. Medical contraindications

The profession is contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs (bronchial asthma), cardiovascular system, having a predisposition to allergic diseases, severe visual defects and mental illnesses.

4. Requirements for training

Should know: safety regulations; device principles of work of the repaired equipment, power plants, units and machines; properties of processed materials, anti-corrosion lubricants and oils; technology of preventive maintenance; ways to restore worn parts; specifications for testing, adjustment and acceptance of components, mechanisms and equipment after repair; tolerances, fits and accuracy classes; device and methods of using special devices and measuring instruments.

5. Related professions

Various metalwork and machine specialties.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties