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Risk Assessment Manager


The risk assessment manager develops, makes recommendations and manages risk management programs and loss prevention activities to ensure maximum protection of the corporation’s assets and capital. Investigates and reports on accidents, incidents related to the company's products, and then coordinates the actions of insurance companies and lawyers. View and analyze data and develop risk minimization programs. Monitors compliance with safety regulations, ensures that the company's products comply with industry standards and market requirements.

Job responsibilities

  • Constantly determines all random risks of losses to which the company's funds are exposed, and analyzes such risks in order to determine the possibility of their elimination or minimization;
  • supervises the inspection and evaluation of all products manufactured by the company; monitors compliance with safety regulations, ensures that the company's products comply with industry standards and market requirements;
  • promptly investigate accidents involving the injury of a person in cases involving the company's products;
  • compiles and publishes incident reports; reviews and analyzes data and develops programs for the prevention of accidents and to minimize the risk;
  • acts as an intermediary between the company and defense lawyers acting in a lawsuit brought against the company;
  • prepares basic materials and research results to be used in the judicial process; as a company representative, testifies in court;
  • together with insurance companies checks complaints about the poor quality of products and prepares the necessary materials in order to satisfy or deny the claim for payment of insurance compensation;
  • consults and advises governing bodies (committees) on issues related to risk management;
  • participates in the development and implementation of loss prevention programs;
  • can assist employees and employees in matters of personal insurance, as well as in developing insurance programs for employees.


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