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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in examination and property management.

2. Official duties

Serving is an implementation of a systematic approach to the development and management of real estate. It includes all types of planning (genial, strategic and operational) for the functioning of real estate, as well as activities related to the conduct of the full range of technical and economic examinations of real estate objects, ensuring maximum social effect. Providing a systematic approach to real estate, its detailed analysis, the development of effective management strategies are the most important task for Russia, which forms a market economic system. Thus, servers serve to collect, provide and process information about real estate, urban planning, prepare and implement projects for building, assessing and managing real estate, repairing, renovating and modernizing buildings, building inspections, participate in the sale and lease of commercial real estate. . In Russia, valuation activities are still more narrowly understood. The main aspects are the assessment of a specific property, the examination of a previously performed assessment and advice on real estate and its value. With the development of the economy, the field of activity of appraisers will constantly expand. Servants need an excellent knowledge of the national legislation in the field of appraisal, knowledge of methods and standards for property valuation, the ability to work not only independently, but also as part of a team. As for the ratio of supply and demand in the labor market for specialists in the field of evaluation, then, according to experts, this question is not entirely correct: "The labor market in this area is a narrow circle of evaluators who are not engaged in finding a job. They work ".

3. Qualification requirements

The activity of all professional servers in Russia is subject to mandatory licensing. Only a specialist who has successfully passed the official state certification procedure is recognized as an officially accredited professional appraiser for a period until the next recertification. Information about this is entered into the relevant Register, and the appraiser is handed a certificate confirming the availability of certification. When applying for a job, the main requirement for a server is the presence of a special education that meets the requirements of federal licensing. Professional Russian training programs are offered today by many Russian universities. However, only those that are listed on the market that coordinate their programs with the requirements for obtaining a license. Another important requirement for a candidate appraiser is the experience of independent practical appraisal activities either as an individual entrepreneur, or in appraisal, auditing or consulting companies. At the same time it is necessary to have business contacts in this area. Graduates of specialized educational institutions with no practical experience can count on the position of an intern. Professionals who come into this business from other professions must necessarily get additional education in appraisal specialties.

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties