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1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in woodworking.

2. Official duties

Woodwork: polished or matte furniture, interior elements, souvenirs, and much more please the eye with a skillfully decorated, skillfully crafted wood structure. This is a great merit of the woodworking dresser. The process of finishing wood products is very complicated and has several stages. First, wooden surfaces are degummed and bleached with various compositions. Then dedust in a brush machine. Before varnishing, moisten the products for raising the pile. Varnishing or bronzing is carried out by electrostatic spraying, pouring or dipping on installations, lines, machines or manually. Then level the lacquer film and dry it in installations of various designs. To ensure that the surface is perfectly smooth, wet or dry sanding of lacquer coatings is carried out. The way airbrushing, photo masking or manually carry out artistic decoration under the background. All these operations are done by the woodworking dresser. It is also applied by spraying, dipping, or manually applying mastic, wax, dye, primer, sealer, and putty for an opaque surface finish of parts and products. Eliminates defects in finishes, repairs polished surfaces of products, furniture, and adjusts equipment. The work of the dresser is an art that requires a lot of attention and aesthetic taste, dexterous, skillful hands, concentration of attention and a considerable amount of special knowledge and skills. In his work, he is also helped by high visual sensitivity, developed practical thinking and long-term memory, allowing with great accuracy to memorize a large number of colors (colorful compositions, differing in color) and features of their preparation. Finishers work at the enterprises of the woodworking industry, in specially equipped premises. The profession is contraindicated for persons with hypersensitivity to smells of varnishes, paints, as well as a tendency to skin irritation.

3. Qualification requirements

Vocational School


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties