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1. General characteristics of the profession

A person or firm engaged in exchange or trading intermediation.

2. Official duties

Dealers act on their own behalf and can act as intermediaries between brokers, other dealers, customers. The dealer can act as an intermediary in trade transactions for the purchase and sale of securities, commodities, and currency. The dealer, as an individual, works on the exchange. In general, any legal or natural person who is a member of the exchange has the right to take part in the auction. Otherwise, he may contact the mediator, i.e. broker, broker, trader or dealer. The difference between them is that brokers and traders work on the commodity exchange, and brokers and dealers - on the stock. In addition, brokers and brokers trade only for clients, and traders and dealers - both for themselves and for the client, but the client's request is always in the first place. The dealer is engaged in the purchase and sale of securities, earning on resale or receiving interest from the purchased securities or from the amount of the client's profit. For successful work, such a person must have an analytical mindset, be able to calculate the situation a few moves ahead (as a chess player or a card player), it’s not for nothing that there is an expression “to play on the exchange”. As noted earlier, when working for a customer, the dealer's payment is interest based on the amount of his profit, thus, this amount will depend on the qualifications of the dealer himself and the transactions he is able to make. In any case, the dealer "plays" in large amounts, but the risk of losing everything in this case is very high.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher economic, legal education.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties