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Communications installer


1. General characteristics of the profession

Specialist in the assembly of complex communication equipment.

2. Official duties

The installer marks the installation sites of equipment and parts, then installs parts and fittings for equipment, frames under it, lays down and strengthens cables on structures, brackets, along walls. He marks the tracks and measures the length of the laid cables, assembles and installs transmitter cabinets, switches, separation filters and other devices, mounts concentric feeders and waveguides, runs copper tapes of high-frequency grounding. Most of the working time takes laying of prefabricated cables, cable blocks and jumpers, termination and connection of power, control and multicore wiring cables, separation and connection of signal and high-frequency cables. The installer also checks the installation of the cable, eliminates installation damage identified during electrical testing of equipment.

3. Qualification requirements

Education: communication technical school, communication institute. The installer must have a developed abstract thinking, good visual memory and imaginative imagination.


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