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Head of Equipment Completion Department


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person who organizes the provision of equipment and components for capital construction and maintenance and operational needs of the enterprise.

2. Official duties

Conducts work to determine the needs of the enterprise departments in equipment and components for the implementation of production plans for capital construction, reconstruction, introduction of new technology. Supervises the preparation of applications for the supply of equipment, materials, building structures and fittings with the necessary calculations and justifications. He participates in concluding contracts with suppliers, agreeing on the terms and conditions of deliveries, prepares specifications and draws up protocols of disagreements, studies the possibility and feasibility of establishing direct long-term economic relations in the supply of equipment and components. He organizes the placement of orders for the manufacture of non-standard equipment and, together with design organizations, participates in the coordination of technical conditions for their implementation. Ensures the organization of acceptance of equipment and components in terms of quantity, quality and in terms stipulated by contracts, their storage. Carries out the transfer of construction and installation organizations and departments of the enterprise equipment for installation and operation in the time provided for by special conditions to the contract. Organizes transportation of equipment to construction sites. Controls the timeliness of the technical protocols for the equipment, the correct payment of bills. Gives opinions on the claims and organizes the preparation of documents for claims to suppliers related to their failure to fulfill contractual obligations. Monitors compliance with the norms of stocks of equipment and components. Organizes the work on identifying non-installed, unused equipment, analyzing the possibility of its use in the production process, the implementation of surplus and obsolete equipment. Organizes the work of warehousing. Supervises the technical condition of warehouses and cargo handling facilities. Controls the storage conditions of equipment and components, the correctness of their conservation and preservation. Organizes the maintenance of records of the presence and movement of equipment and components, the conduct of inventories of material values ​​in a timely manner, the preparation of the necessary reporting. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher vocational (technical or engineering-economic) education and professional experience in engineering and management positions.


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