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Head of Human Resources


1. General characteristics of the profession

A person who heads the work of recruiting an enterprise with personnel of workers and employees of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the enterprise.

2. Official duties

Takes part in the development of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the enterprise. Carries out work on the selection, selection and placement of personnel on the basis of an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities, controls the correctness of the use of workers in the departments of the enterprise. Provides reception, placement and placement of young professionals and young workers in accordance with the profession and specialty received at the school, together with the heads of departments organizes their internships and work on adaptation to production activities. Carries out systematic work to create a reserve for the nomination on the basis of such organizational forms as business career planning, preparation of candidates for nomination on individual plans, rotational movement of managers and specialists, training in special courses, internships in relevant positions. Organizes the certification of employees of the enterprise, its methodological and informational support, takes part in the analysis of the results of certification, the development of measures for the implementation of the decisions of certification commissions, determines the circle of specialists who are subject to re-certification. Participates in the development of systems for the integrated assessment of employees and the results of their activities, professional and professional advancement of personnel, and preparation of proposals for improving the attestation process. Organizes the timely registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the labor law, regulations, instructions and orders of the head of the company, personnel records, issuing certificates of current and past labor activities of employees, storing and filling out workbooks and maintaining the established personnel documentation, and also the preparation of materials for the presentation of staff to rewards and awards. Provides preparation of documents on pension insurance, as well as documents necessary for the appointment of pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, as well as their submission to the social security authority. Conducts work on updating the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, its material, technical and information base, the introduction of modern methods of personnel management using automated subsystems "ACS-personnel" and workstations of employees of personnel services, the creation of a database of personnel of the company, its timely replenishment, prompt presentation of the necessary information to users. Carries out methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of specialists and inspectors for personnel departments of the enterprise, monitors the implementation of the heads of departments of legislative acts and government decrees, decrees, orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise on personnel policy and work with personnel. Provides social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of released workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations. Conducts a systematic analysis of personnel work in the enterprise, develops proposals for its improvement. Organizes time records, compiling and executing vacation schedules, monitoring the state of labor discipline in the company's divisions and employees' compliance with internal work regulations, analyzing the causes of turnover, develops measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, loss of working time, and control their implementation. Provides the preparation of the established reporting on the accounting of personnel and work with personnel. Supervises the department staff.

3. Qualification requirements

Higher legal, psychological, economic education and work experience in organizing personnel management in engineering and management positions for at least 5 years.

created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2024-11-10

Rating 9 of 10. count vote: 2
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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties