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Mineral Minerator


1. General characteristics of the profession

It conducts the sorting of coal or ore by size, serves enrichment machines and apparatus, auxiliary equipment, including means of automatic regulation. Detects and fixes hardware problems.

2. Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Adequate health, physical strength and endurance, high acuity of hearing and vision, high speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions, developed eye (linear, planar, volumetric), the ability to distribute and quickly switch attention, good visual memory, a tendency to work with technology are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

The work is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, kidneys and urinary tract, the musculoskeletal system (impeding movement), the nervous system, having reduced visual and hearing indicators, allergies.

4. Requirements for training

Must know: the basics of mineral processing. The device, the principle of operation specifications and mode of processing equipment. Reagents, their properties and effect on the enrichment products. Instrumentation, their application. Output standards of the final products and the requirements for their quality. Features of the technological process in the mode of remote and manual control, means of automatic control and regulation. Rules of technical operation and maintenance of equipment.

5. Related professions

Grokhotovschik, dosing, crusher, hub, machinist mills, machinist washing machines, operator control panel.


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Professions and specialties

Terms: Professions and specialties