Let be - independent sampling from the normal distribution, where
- known dispersion. Define arbitrary
and build a confidence interval for the unknown mean
Statement. Random value
has a standard normal distribution . Let be
-quantile standard normal distribution. Then, due to the symmetry of the latter, we have:
After substitution of the expression for and simple algebraic transformations we get:
Let be - independent sampling from the normal distribution, where
- unknown constants. Construct a confidence interval for an unknown mean
Statement. Random value
Where - unbiased sample standard deviation, has a Student’s distribution with
degrees of freedom
. Let be
quantile student distribution. Then, due to the symmetry of the latter, we have:
After substitution of the expression for and simple algebraic transformations we get:
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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis
Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis