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Quantile in mathematical statistics is a value that a given random variable does not exceed with a fixed probability.


Consider probabilistic space Quantile and Quantile - a probability measure specifying the distribution of a random variable Quantile . Let it be fixed Quantile . Then Quantile quantile (or level quantile Quantile a) distribution Quantile called number Quantile such that


In some sources (for example, in English literature) Quantile -Oh Quantile quantile is called level quantile Quantile , i.e Quantile -quantile in the previous notation.


  • If the distribution is continuous, then Quantile -quantile is uniquely given by the equation


Where Quantile - distribution function Quantile .

  • Obviously, for continuous distributions, the following equality, which is widely used in the construction of confidence intervals, is true:


  • For empirical distribution Quantile -quantile can be set as follows:
  1. we make a variation range of values Quantile (sample has volume Quantile ), and also consider that Quantile (this is necessary when calculating 100% quantile using the formulas below);
  2. find the value Quantile ;
  3. compare Quantile and Quantile :

a) if Quantile then we assume Quantile ;

b) if Quantile then we assume Quantile ;

c) if Quantile then we assume Quantile .

Specified in this way Quantile -quantile satisfies the above definition.

In some cases (with a large sample size and an empirical distribution close to continuous) instead of equality Quantile you can use an approximate comparison Quantile (this will allow, for example, the level 1/3 quantile to be represented as 0.33 ... 333 during computer processing of data).

Median and quartile

Quantile normal distribution
  • 0,25-quantile is called the first (or lower) quartile (from the Latin. Quarta - a quarter);
  • 0.5-quantile is called the median (from the Latin. Mediāna - middle) or the second quartile ;
  • 0,75-quantile is called the third (or upper) quartile .

Interquartile range is the difference between the third and first quartiles, i.e. Quantile . Interquartile range is a characteristic of the spread of the distribution of magnitude and is a robust analogue of the dispersion. Together, the median and interquartile range can be used instead of the expectation and variance in the case of distributions with large outliers, or if it is impossible to calculate the latter.


A decile characterizes the distribution of aggregate values, in which nine values ​​of a decile divide it into ten equal parts. Any of these ten parts is 1/10 of the entire population. So, the first decile separates 10% of the smallest values ​​lying below the decile from 90% of the largest values ​​lying above the decile.

Just as in the case of mode and median, in the interval variational distribution series, each decile (and quartile) belongs to a certain interval and has a well-defined value [1] .


Quantile th percentile is called level quantile Quantile . In this case, percentiles are usually considered for whole Quantile , although this requirement is not mandatory [ source not specified 74 days ] . Accordingly, the median is the 50th percentile, and the first and third quartile are the 25th and 75th percentiles.

In general, the concepts of quantile and percentile are interchangeable [the source is not specified 74 days ] , as well as the scale of calculus of probabilities - absolute and percentage.

Percentiles are also called percentiles or centiles .

Quantiles of the standard normal distribution

Probability (level of quantile),% 99.99 99.90 99.00 97.72 97.50 95.00 90.00 84.13 50.00
Quantile 3,715 3.090 2.326 2,000 1,960 1.645 1.282 1,000 0,000
created: 2015-03-11
updated: 2024-11-15

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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis

Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis