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Random moments


The random variable magnitude is the numerical characteristic of the distribution of a given random variable.


If given a random variable Random moments defined on a certain probability space, then:

  • Random moments initial moment of random variable Random moments Where Random moments called magnitude

Random moments

if the expectation is Random moments on the right side of this equation is defined;

  • Random moments th center moment of a random variable Random moments called magnitude

Random moments

  • Random moments absolutist and Random moments m absolute absolute moments of a random variable Random moments is called according to size

Random moments and Random moments

  • Random moments m factorial moment of a random variable Random moments called magnitude

Random moments

if the expectation on the right side of this equation is defined. [one]

Absolute moments can be defined not only for integers Random moments but for any positive real if the corresponding integrals converge.


  • If points are defined Random moments th order, then determined and all the moments of lower orders Random moments
  • By virtue of the linearity of the expectation, the central moments can be expressed in terms of the initial ones, and vice versa. For example:

Random moments

Random moments

Random moments

Random moments etc.

Geometrical meaning of some moments

  • Random moments equals the mathematical expectation of a random variable and shows the relative location of the distribution on the number line.
  • Random moments equals the distribution variance Random moments and shows the spread of the distribution around the mean.
  • Random moments being properly normalized, is a numerical characteristic of the symmetry of the distribution. More precisely, the expression

Random moments

called the asymmetry coefficient.

  • Random moments controls how pronounced the vertex of the distribution is in the neighborhood of the middle. Magnitude

Random moments

called the coefficient kurtosis kurtosis distribution Random moments

Calculation of moments

  • Moments can be calculated directly through the definition by integrating the corresponding degrees of the random variable. In particular, for an absolutely continuous distribution with density Random moments we have:

Random moments

if a Random moments

and for a discrete distribution with a probability function Random moments

Random moments

if a Random moments

  • Also, the moments of a random variable can be calculated through its characteristic function. Random moments :

Random moments

  • If the distribution is such that for it in some neighborhood of zero the generating function of moments is defined Random moments then the moments can be calculated by the following formula:

Random moments


You can also consider non-integer values. Random moments . Moment considered as a function of the argument Random moments is called the Mellin transform.

You can consider the moments of a multidimensional random variable. Then the first moment will be a vector of the same dimension, the second will be a second-rank tensor (see covariance matrix) over a space of the same dimension (although a trace of this matrix can be considered, which gives a scalar generalization of the variance). Etc.

See also

created: 2015-01-17
updated: 2024-11-13

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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis

Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis