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Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student


Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Value tables

Table A.1
Function value Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A.2 Function
values Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A.3
Table of values ​​t γ = (γ, n )
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A.4
Table of values q = q (γ, n )
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A.5
Critical distribution points χ 2
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table P.6
Critical points of student 's distribution
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table P.7
Critical points of distribution F of Fisher – Snedecor
(ν 1 –number of degrees of freedom of greater dispersion,
ν 2The number of degrees of freedom at variance)
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A.9
Fischer Conversion Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student
(determination of Z value of the correlation coefficient r )
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Table A10
inverse Fisher transformation
(definition of the correlation coefficient r by the value Z)
Tables The value of the Laplace function f (x), tγ, q Critical points of the distribution of χ2 and Student

Note. In the values ​​of r, zero and comma are omitted.


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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis

Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis