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Random Variance


The variance of a random variable is a measure of the spread of a given random variable, that is, its deviation from the mathematical expectation. Denoted by   Random Variance in Russian literature and   Random Variance (English variance ) in foreign. The statistics often used designation   Random Variance or   Random Variance .

The square root of the variance is equal to   Random Variance , is called standard deviation, standard deviation, or standard variation. Standard deviation is measured in the same units as the random variable itself, and variance is measured in the squares of this unit of measurement.

From Chebyshev's inequality, it follows that the probability that a random variable is more than k standard deviations from its expectation is less than 1 / k². For example, at least in 95% of cases, a random variable with a normal distribution is no more than two standard deviations from its average, and about 99.7% is no more than three.


  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Notes
  • 3 Properties
  • 4 Example
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Literature

Definition [edit]

Let be   Random Variance - a random variable defined on a certain probability space. Then the variance is called

  Random Variance

where is the symbol   Random Variance denotes the mathematical expectation [1] [2] .

Remarks [edit]

  • If a random variable   Random Variance real, then, by virtue of the linearity of the expectation, the formula is valid:
      Random Variance
  • Dispersion is the second central point of a random variable;
  • Dispersion can be infinite.
  • Variance can be calculated using the generating function of moments.   Random Variance :
      Random Variance
  • The variance of an integer random variable can be calculated using the generating function of the sequence.
  • Convenient formula for calculating the variance of a random sequence   Random Variance :
      Random Variance
However, since the variance estimate is biased, to calculate it, it is necessary to additionally multiply by   Random Variance . Thus, the final formula will look like:
  Random Variance

Properties [edit]

  • Dispersion of any random variable is non-negative:   Random Variance
  • If the variance of a random variable is finite, then of course its expectation is;
  • If the random variable is constant, then its variance is zero:   Random Variance The reverse is also true: if   Random Variance that   Random Variance almost everywhere;
  • The variance of the sum of two random variables is equal to:
      Random Variance where   Random Variance - their covariance;
  • For the dispersion of an arbitrary linear combination of several random variables, the following equality holds:
      Random Variance where   Random Variance ;
  • In particular,   Random Variance for any independent or uncorrelated random variables, since their covariances are zero;
  •   Random Variance
  •   Random Variance
  •   Random Variance

Example [edit]

Let the random variable   Random Variance has a standard continuous uniform distribution on   Random Variance that is, its probability density is given by

  Random Variance

Then the mathematical expectation of a square of a random variable

  Random Variance

and expectation of a random variable

  Random Variance

Then the variance of the random variable

  Random Variance

See also [edit]

  • Standard deviation
  • Random moments
  • Covariance
  • Selective dispersion
  • Independence (probability theory)
  • Schedasticity
  • Absolute deviation

Notes [edit]

  1. Kolmogorov, A. N. Chapter IV. Mathematical expectations; §3. Chebyshev's inequality // Basic concepts of probability theory. - 2nd ed. - M .: Science, 1974. - p. 63-65. - 120 s.
  2. A. Borovkov. Chapter 4. Numerical characteristics of random variables; §five. Dispersion // Probability Theory. - 5th ed. - M .: Librokom, 2009. - p. 93-94. - 656 s.

Literature [edit]

  • Gursky D., Turbina E. Mathcad for students and schoolchildren. Popular tutorial. - SPb .: Peter, 2005. - p. 340. - ISBN 5469005259.
  • Orlov A. I. Variance of a random variable // Case mathematics: Probability and statistics - basic facts. - M .: MZ-Press, 2004.
created: 2014-11-06
updated: 2021-03-13

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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis

Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis