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Generating function of moments


Generating the moment function is a method of defining probability distributions. It is used most often for calculating moments.


Let there be a random variable Generating function of moments with distribution Generating function of moments . Then its generating function of moments is called a function that has the form:

Generating function of moments .

Using the formulas for calculating the expectation, the definition of the generating function of moments can be rewritten in the form:

Generating function of moments ,

that is, the generating function of moments is a two-sided Laplace transform of the distribution of a random variable (up to reflection).

Discrete and absolutely continuous random variables

If a random variable Generating function of moments discrete, that is Generating function of moments then

Generating function of moments .

Example. Let be Generating function of moments has a Bernoulli distribution. Then

Generating function of moments .

If a random variable Generating function of moments absolutely continuous, meaning it has a density Generating function of moments then

Generating function of moments .

Example. Let be Generating function of moments has a standard continuous uniform distribution. Then

Generating function of moments .

Properties of generating moment functions

The properties of the generating functions of moments are in many respects similar to the properties of the characteristic functions due to the similarity of their definitions.

  • The generating function of moments uniquely determines the distribution. Let be Generating function of moments are two random variables, and Generating function of moments . Then Generating function of moments . In particular, if both quantities are absolutely continuous, then the coincidence of the generating functions of the moments implies the coincidence of the densities. If both random variables are discrete, then the coincidence of the generating functions of the moments implies the coincidence of the probability functions.
  • The generating function of moments as a function of a random variable is homogeneous:

Generating function of moments .

  • The generating function of moments is the sum of independent random variables equal to the product of their generating functions of moments. Let be Generating function of moments are independent random variables. Denote Generating function of moments . Then

Generating function of moments .

Calculation of moments

Generating function of moments .


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Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis

Terms: Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis