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SOME GEOMETRIC BUILDINGS § 14. General information


When performing graphic works, one has to solve many construction problems. The most common tasks in this case are the division of straight line segments, angles and circles into equal parts, the construction of various conjugations of straight lines with arcs of circles and arcs of circles between them. Conjugation is the smooth transition of a circular arc into a straight line or into an arc of another circle.

The most common tasks are to build the following mates: two right circular arcs (rounding corners); two arcs of circles with a straight line; two arcs of circles with a third arc; arc and straight second arc.

The construction of mates is associated with a graphical definition of the centers and points of conjugation. Geometrical places of points (straight lines, tangent to a circle; circles, tangent to each other) are widely used when constructing conjugation. This is explained by the fact that they are based on the propositions and theorems of geometry.

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2021-03-13

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3 Some geometric constructions

Terms: 3 Some geometric constructions