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1. What tasks are called positional?

2. What is the sequence of solving the intersection problem in the complex drawing?

3. Which line is the line of intersection of the plane of general position with the horizontal plane of the level?

4. Which line is the line of intersection of the plane of general position with the front projection plane?

5. By what line do two frontally projecting planes intersect?

6. How is visibility determined when crossing two planes in general position?

7. How to build a line of intersection of surfaces of the plane?

8. What lines can be obtained in the cross section of a straight circular cylinder, cone, sphere?

9. What is a cut line?

10. What is a cutout?

11. How can I set the required cutout shape?

12. How to build the line of intersection of two surfaces?

13. What auxiliary surfaces are convenient for using when constructing the points of the line of intersection of two surfaces?

14. What is the essence of the method of auxiliary cutting planes in building the line of intersection of two surfaces?

15. By what lines do the coaxial rotation surfaces intersect?

16. When can auxiliary spheres be used when constructing the line of intersection of two surfaces?

17. By what lines do two straight circular cylinders of the same diameter intersect if their axes intersect? Why?

18. What line is called the transition line and how does it cross out when depicting intersecting surfaces?


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10. Positional tasks

Terms: 10. Positional tasks