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1. What is the purpose of converting a complex drawing?

2. What are the ways to convert complex drawing.

3. What are the main tasks are solved by converting the drawing?

4. What is the essence of the method of plane-parallel transfer?

5. What is the replacement of the projection planes?

6. What tasks can be solved by replacing two projection planes?

7. How should new projection planes be positioned so that a segment of a straight line in general position is projected full-scale, to a point?

8. How should a new plane of projections be positioned so that the plane of general position becomes projecting?

9. At what location of a flat shape can its true value be determined by replacing only one projection plane?

10. What is the essence of the transformation of the drawing method of rotation?

11. What lines are used as rotation axes?

12. How does the frontal projection of an object change when it is rotated around a frontally projecting straight line?

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2021-03-13

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9. Converting a complex drawing

Terms: 9. Converting a complex drawing