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§ 6. Methods of performing graphic works


When performing a significant amount of graphic work, it is first necessary to properly organize the workplace of the draftsman. The drawing board on which the paper is fixed should be positioned approximately 15 ° in the direction of the draftsman. If it is more tilted, the drawing tools may slide off the drawing board.

Before you begin, you should collect the tools that will be needed to complete a particular drawing. They must be wiped with a dry cotton cloth. Selected tools should be placed so that they do not interfere with the work and at the same time so that you can quickly select the necessary ones among them.

Before the beginning of the drawing it is necessary to sharpen a few pencils. This will avoid the loss of time for their sharpening in the process of work and work without looking up from the drawing. It is also necessary to check that there is nothing superfluous on the table and the light falls on the left side.

Pinning the drawing paper to the board, place the first button in the upper left corner and align the top cut of the sheet along the edge of the square rail. The second button fixes the lower right corner of the sheet, then fix the remaining corners.

Drawings can be made in pencil or ink. In either case, they prepare the drawing with a pencil and then circle it with a pencil or ink.

In a production environment, drawings in most cases, perform a pencil. Ink drawings carry out in special cases, for example for reproduction by photocopying or photographing. The peculiarities of drawing drawings with ink include the fact that it is more difficult to draw lines on ink on glossy paper than on ordinary drawing paper having a rough surface. On the other hand, the lines drawn with mascara are much easier to clean up if necessary corrections.

The outline of a drawing with a pencil differs in that in this case it is difficult to keep the drawing clean, and only parts of the sheet that are not occupied by images can be cleaned with an eraser. This requires in the process of preparing a drawing to carefully observe the cleanliness of the drawing and to avoid drawing additional, unnecessary, random lines. The disadvantage of drawing a pencil in drawings is that it is difficult to draw lines of the same thickness as well as of the same blackness with a compass.

Preparation of the drawing consists in building all its figures and making inscriptions in thin lines. For these works, hard pencils of the 2T or ST type with sharply sharpened slate are selected.

Next, select the characteristic points of the image, connecting which, you can get the depicted figure. When drawing points with a compass gauge, they can be easily punctured, and when applied with a ruler, they can be marked with a light stick or with a small circle. When plotting points with compasses, they are plotted as serifs. The resulting points are connected by straight or curved lines and get the outline of the image, which put the other necessary lines.

After building the drawing, you should carefully check, identify and delete random, extra or incorrect lines. And if the outline of the drawing will be done with a pencil, then these lines should be removed before the stroke, if with ink, then after. Before stroking mascara, cross them out with a pencil. Before drawing a drawing, you should only use a rubber band when necessary, as this will cause the drawing to become dirty and damage the surface of the paper to which the ink is poorly applied to the drawing.

To speed up the drawing stroke, we first draw horizontal lines on all images, then vertical, oblique in one direction, then second, and so on. First, they draw solid, main, thick lines, followed by, for example, dashed, solid, thin, and so on. e. The last item to fill in the columns of the main inscription, put technical requirements and dimensional numbers.

After finishing drawing a stroke, it must be carefully checked again to identify possible errors and omissions. Testing should be carried out on individual issues within the entire drawing, for example, are the necessary lines completely circled, are arrows everywhere on the dimension lines, are all dimensions dimensioned on all lines, have any extra lines not been drawn, etc.

It should be noted that the execution of graphic works in the bulk is carried out with a pencil, so it is appropriate to recall a few general rules for working with him. Pencil should be sharpened from the end of the inscription in order to preserve its marking.

Selection of the hardness of the pencil slate and the correctness of its sharpening in the presence of a given paper grade should ensure that the line is clear, clearly visible, and the required thickness. Drawing lines of poorly visible, pale, gray leads to fatigue viewer draftsman.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the preservation of the taper and the length of the stylus, constantly undermining it. Shortening the cone leads to a thickening of the lines.

Selection of a pencil with the appropriate paper grade ensures the lines, excluding the indentation of the pencil in the paper. This makes it possible, if necessary, to erase the line without leaving traces.

When drawing lines with a pencil along a ruler, cross or square, the pencil should be located in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the drawing or slightly inclined from itself.

In the course of drawing, horizontal lines are recommended to be drawn along the upper edge of the ruler or T-square from left to right, and vertical lines from bottom to top.

When making inscriptions and dimensional figures in the drawing field, under the arm with a pencil, you must put a blank sheet of paper, which eliminates contamination of the drawing.

You can make some recommendations on the stroke of the ink drawing, which is carried out on drawing paper or tracing paper. Tracing on tracing paper is somewhat more difficult due to its glossy surface. The clarity of the line is ensured by proper work with the resheder and the selection of the concentration of the carcass by diluting it. After selecting a sheet of paper, you should spend on it a few test lines. If the mascara dries in a refederer, it must be diluted, but not brought to a state where the lines will blur.

In conclusion, we can also recall the general course of the drawing. Begin to carry out the drawing by drawing the frame of the format, highlighting the field of the drawing and the location of the main inscription. After that, in the field of the drawing plan the location of the images - put the contours of the image or dimensional sketches. This makes it possible to assess the correctness of the choice of location of images and, if necessary, make changes. If the images are symmetrical, the axes of symmetry are drawn; mark the centers of the circles with dash-dotted lines; put the remaining elements of the image. In this case, first draw the arc of circles, and then the lines tangent to them.

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2021-03-13

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1. Technical means and techniques for performing graphic work

Terms: 1. Technical means and techniques for performing graphic work