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§ 5. Graphic automata


In recent years, computers of various types are used to solve various problems of engineering graphics, depending on the nature of the problem being solved. For this purpose, they make up a plan for solving the problem, an algorithm and write a program in a given algorithmic language. The prepared data is entered into the computer and receive the answer, for example, in the form of the coordinates of the desired points. Such an application of a computer can significantly accelerate the solution of graphical problems, but does not solve the problem of facilitating the drawing and design work.

For the mechanization and automation of design and graphic works, graphic machines of various types are finding more and more widespread use. Some of them allow to receive and reproduce drawings directly on paper (plotters), others - to get their image on the screen (graphic displays). Automated graphic devices can work in an individual mode with appropriate preparation for this source data and in the mode of communication with a computer, when the designer can choose the optimal solutions to the problems. Graphic machines are widely used in computer-aided design.


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1. Technical means and techniques for performing graphic work

Terms: 1. Technical means and techniques for performing graphic work