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8. Formats


All drawings must be made on standard-sized sheets of paper. Forms of paper sheets are determined by the size of the outer frame of the drawing (Fig. 3). It is carried out by a continuous thin line. The line of the frame of the drawing is drawn by a solid thick main line at a distance of 5 mm from the outer frame. On the left, a 20 mm wide field is left for filing. The designation and size of the sides of the formats set GOST 2.304-68. Data on the main formats are given in Table. one.

Table 1

Format notation






Sizes of the sheet, mm


594 x 841

594 x 420

297 x 420

297 x 210

The main formats are obtained from the AO format by successively dividing into two equal parts in parallel to the smaller side. If necessary, it is allowed to use the A5 format with side sizes of 148 x 210 mm. The use of additional

  8. Formats

Fig. 3

formats. They are formed by an increase in the sides of the main formats by an amount multiple to the size of the A4 sides (Fig. 4).

The following deviations from the sides of the format are allowed with the sizes of the sides: up to 150 ± 1.5, from 150 to 600 ± 2.0, over 600 ± 3.0.


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2. Drawing up

Terms: 2. Drawing up